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Our Mission   

Campus Vote Project works with universities, community colleges, faculty, students and election officials to reduce barriers to student voting.

Our goal is to help campuses institutionalize reforms that empower students with the information they need to register and vote.

Students walking

 We  currently   work with... 

over 280 
college and

across 41 
states with a

enrollment of

over 3.4 

State Guides
blue star background

 State Student Guides 

 Young people have 
the power to 
make a difference. 

Link to Why Community College Student Voters Matter
Link to Why Student Voters Matter
Voter Friendly Campus

The Voter Friendly Campus designation helps administrators develop a strategy to engage students and set clear goals so a path can be created in advance of upcoming elections. These activities can be institutionalized for years to come, keeping students engaged as they enter, and move through their time at school.

Read the Latest
Voter Friendly Campus Report

The report celebrates the accomplishments of 262 Voter Friendly Campus designees, analyzes common barriers to voting students face, and presents solutions for improving future democratic engagement activities on college campuses. This year’s report focuses on how campuses have supported students to stay involved in the democratic process as legislative attacks on voting defined 2022. The report includes numerous case studies that demonstrate not just the unique range of barriers young people face to voting, but the solutions available to overcome them!
VFC Report 2023 - cover.png
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